Comic Books page

Phantom Buster By Brian Robinson
On this page you will find links to all the current comic book
issues and Graphic novels.
has had hand in helping create for various.
Comic book companies.
Please take the time to pick up a copy.
issues and Graphic novels.
has had hand in helping create for various.
Comic book companies.
Please take the time to pick up a copy.

Hyperdimensional Frontier Sentinel is a story about a ancient professional Hyperdimensional Frontier Sentinel called Cranium.
He work is simple-investigate and police all the Hyperdimensional nexuses- and even the worst called 6996. When a human girl
named Sunny appears mysteriously in 6996- things go down
hill rapidly.This dimensional nexus isn't quite ready for a human girl-then again maybe it perfect place for her.The intriguing
story of a dimensional magic warped dimension as Cranium and Sunny work together to get her to safety in this out this world adventure.
COPYRIGHT © 2018 Brian Robinson All RIGHTS RESERVED Hyperdimensional Frontier Sentinel and all characters featured in this
publication and the distinctive names and likenesses thereof and all related indicia are trademarks of Brian Robinson
Graphic Novel by
by Brian Robinson (Author)
Brian Robinson (Illustrator)
Get your copy here at :
Hyperdimensional Frontier Sentinel
He work is simple-investigate and police all the Hyperdimensional nexuses- and even the worst called 6996. When a human girl
named Sunny appears mysteriously in 6996- things go down
hill rapidly.This dimensional nexus isn't quite ready for a human girl-then again maybe it perfect place for her.The intriguing
story of a dimensional magic warped dimension as Cranium and Sunny work together to get her to safety in this out this world adventure.
COPYRIGHT © 2018 Brian Robinson All RIGHTS RESERVED Hyperdimensional Frontier Sentinel and all characters featured in this
publication and the distinctive names and likenesses thereof and all related indicia are trademarks of Brian Robinson
Graphic Novel by
by Brian Robinson (Author)
Brian Robinson (Illustrator)
Get your copy here at :
Hyperdimensional Frontier Sentinel

Captain Pigtails Volume 1 Graphic novel
Captain Pigtails is a story about a professional superhero for small city called Thortan. She works for T.H.U.O. Also known as The Hero Union Organization. Together with other ranked heroes she goes about her job of patrolling Thortan. Keeping the peace and patrolling against both laughable and serious threat level villains.
Captain Pigtails Graphic Novel volume 1
Captain Pigtails is a story about a professional superhero for small city called Thortan. She works for T.H.U.O. Also known as The Hero Union Organization. Together with other ranked heroes she goes about her job of patrolling Thortan. Keeping the peace and patrolling against both laughable and serious threat level villains.
Captain Pigtails Graphic Novel volume 1

Trans-Dimensional Border Patrol
graphic novel
by Jason Russell (Author), Brian Robinson (Illustrator)
From Jason Russell (Rogues Academy Saga) and illustrator Brian Robinson (The Incredible Amazing Five) comes the gripping graphic novel Trans-Dimensional Border Patrol. A 4000-year-old inter-dimensional cop, known by many names on earth (like Death & the Grim Reaper), ends up on the case of his career when a teenage human girl becomes stranded between dimensions. 80 pages.
graphic novel
by Jason Russell (Author), Brian Robinson (Illustrator)
From Jason Russell (Rogues Academy Saga) and illustrator Brian Robinson (The Incredible Amazing Five) comes the gripping graphic novel Trans-Dimensional Border Patrol. A 4000-year-old inter-dimensional cop, known by many names on earth (like Death & the Grim Reaper), ends up on the case of his career when a teenage human girl becomes stranded between dimensions. 80 pages.

Written by Benito F. Perez, Edited and Lettered by Matthew J. Rothblatt, Penciled and Inked by Brian Robinson, Cover art by Bill D. Fountain
Standard Comic
Black & White
Page Count: 28
A shadowy fog of evil covers the city of Nineveh in a behavior that resembles the slick oil that coats the cobbled streets. Once a thriving metropolis, Nineveh now is but a coven for the Occult and her children, while the once content children of Nineveh hide wherever there is light. Rabbi Solomon Rotblatt is called in the middle of the night for an urgent matter regarding a prominent citizen of the city. The urgent matter - to exorcise the demon of a possessed man. He is followed, by good and evil. The news he receives from the possessed man will shape the events to come. A rabbi performing exorcisms? What is Spiralmind? Werewolves? Yes, werewolves!
Spiralmind TM and © Phi3 COMICS, Benito F. Perez and Matthew J. Rothblatt. All rights reserved.
Standard Comic
Black & White
Page Count: 28
A shadowy fog of evil covers the city of Nineveh in a behavior that resembles the slick oil that coats the cobbled streets. Once a thriving metropolis, Nineveh now is but a coven for the Occult and her children, while the once content children of Nineveh hide wherever there is light. Rabbi Solomon Rotblatt is called in the middle of the night for an urgent matter regarding a prominent citizen of the city. The urgent matter - to exorcise the demon of a possessed man. He is followed, by good and evil. The news he receives from the possessed man will shape the events to come. A rabbi performing exorcisms? What is Spiralmind? Werewolves? Yes, werewolves!
Spiralmind TM and © Phi3 COMICS, Benito F. Perez and Matthew J. Rothblatt. All rights reserved.

Brian Robinson artwork
Written by Benito F. Perez,
Edited and Lettered by Matthew J. Rothblatt,
Penciled and Inked by Brian Robinson,
Cover art by Bill D. Fountain,
A secret society conspires in the shadows of Nineveh - within plain sight. While Ben Landry seeks a source of the DNA from the beasts that attacked Rabbi Rotblatt, plans are solidified and otherworldly, apocalyptic orders are made. Ben is given a message from another time while Dante Evans oversees corporal punishment of the infidels within his ranks. What functionality does SPIRALMIND's suit provide? Why is Nineveh's Lieutenant Governor Dante Evans holding secret meetings with vampires and werewolves? Who is Father Tom O'Brien?
Find the answers to these and more pressing questions in SPIRALMIND #2: DANTE'S INFERNO! Have no idea what I'm talking about? Pick up SPIRALMIND #1: RABBI'S LAMENT while you're at it and see what Ain't It Cool News calls "A hell of a lot of fun to read!" -ENJOY!
32 Pages | Black & White
Written by Benito F. Perez,
Edited and Lettered by Matthew J. Rothblatt,
Penciled and Inked by Brian Robinson,
Cover art by Bill D. Fountain,
A secret society conspires in the shadows of Nineveh - within plain sight. While Ben Landry seeks a source of the DNA from the beasts that attacked Rabbi Rotblatt, plans are solidified and otherworldly, apocalyptic orders are made. Ben is given a message from another time while Dante Evans oversees corporal punishment of the infidels within his ranks. What functionality does SPIRALMIND's suit provide? Why is Nineveh's Lieutenant Governor Dante Evans holding secret meetings with vampires and werewolves? Who is Father Tom O'Brien?
Find the answers to these and more pressing questions in SPIRALMIND #2: DANTE'S INFERNO! Have no idea what I'm talking about? Pick up SPIRALMIND #1: RABBI'S LAMENT while you're at it and see what Ain't It Cool News calls "A hell of a lot of fun to read!" -ENJOY!
32 Pages | Black & White
SPIRALMIND #3: Black Market

Spiralmind #3: Black Market
A superhero and a priest walk into a bar...where's the rabbi you ask? See SPIRALMIND #1: RABBI'S LAMENT for the answer to that question! Then grab this exciting episode of the on-going SPIRALMIND story to see what happens when Ben Landry and Father Tom O'Brien head into their local watering hole - BLACK MARKET for a much deserved break from fighting evil (or so they think!). There will be vampires, there will be werewolves, there will be ghost hunters and there will be blood...and butt-kicking!
32 Pages | Black & White
Spiralmind TM and © Benito F. Perez and Matthew J. Rothblatt. All rights reserved.
Spiralmind #3: Black Market
A superhero and a priest walk into a bar...where's the rabbi you ask? See SPIRALMIND #1: RABBI'S LAMENT for the answer to that question! Then grab this exciting episode of the on-going SPIRALMIND story to see what happens when Ben Landry and Father Tom O'Brien head into their local watering hole - BLACK MARKET for a much deserved break from fighting evil (or so they think!). There will be vampires, there will be werewolves, there will be ghost hunters and there will be blood...and butt-kicking!
32 Pages | Black & White
Spiralmind TM and © Benito F. Perez and Matthew J. Rothblatt. All rights reserved.
Spiralmind #3: Black Market

Brian Robinson ISSUE 1 SPIRALMIND(SPANISH version)
Written by Benito F. Perez,
Edited and Lettered by Matthew J. Rothblatt,
Penciled and Inked by Brian Robinson,
Cover art by Bill D. Fountain,
Translated into Spanish by Jahaziel Rodriguez
Spanish Language
Standard Comic
Black & White
Page Count: 28
Una niebla pesada con maldad cubre la cuidad de Nineveh como imitando el aceite que abriga las calles y callejones. Una vez un prospero metrópolis, Nineveh ahora es nada más que una taberna para lo Oculto y sus creaciones, mientras los niños que una vez fueron felices se esconden donde hayan luz. El Rabino Rotblatt recibe una llamada a media noche sobre un asunto urgente que tiene que ver con un ciudadano prominente de la ciudad. El asunto- exorcizar los demonios de un hombre poseído. Lo sigue el bien y el mal. Las noticias que vienen del hombre poseído formaran los eventos que están por venir. ¿Un Rabino realizando exorcismos? ¿Quién es SPIRALMIND? ¿Y los lobos? Si, Lobos. Esto y mucho más en la primicia de Phi3 COMICS' – SPIRALMIND #1; LAMENTO DEL RABINO.
El día de su Bar Mitzvah, Ben Landry es testigo del brutal exorcismo de su propia madre. Le es un ritual extraño y desconocido. El pequeño Ben ve a su madre esforzarse al batallar con los demonios que la poseen a las manos del Rabino Solomon Rotblatt y el Padre Tom O’Brien. Ese momento de horror cemento el futuro de Ben. Su niñez desapareció, y quedo en la merced de su maestro y amigo Rabino Rotblatt para guiarlo por la vida. Ya adulto, Ben se encuentra entre una vida de ingeniero electrónico y la del protector de la humanidad. Detrás del la máscara de Spiralmind, Ben es capaz de manipular Fi, la razón áurea. Mientras SPIRALMIND comprende su propósito y poder, lo Oculto a través de la ciudad de Nineveh ha relevado sus planes malévolos para la humanidad.
Spiralmind TM and © Benito F. Perez and Matthew J. Rothblatt. All rights reserved.
Edited and Lettered by Matthew J. Rothblatt,
Penciled and Inked by Brian Robinson,
Cover art by Bill D. Fountain,
Translated into Spanish by Jahaziel Rodriguez
Spanish Language
Standard Comic
Black & White
Page Count: 28
Una niebla pesada con maldad cubre la cuidad de Nineveh como imitando el aceite que abriga las calles y callejones. Una vez un prospero metrópolis, Nineveh ahora es nada más que una taberna para lo Oculto y sus creaciones, mientras los niños que una vez fueron felices se esconden donde hayan luz. El Rabino Rotblatt recibe una llamada a media noche sobre un asunto urgente que tiene que ver con un ciudadano prominente de la ciudad. El asunto- exorcizar los demonios de un hombre poseído. Lo sigue el bien y el mal. Las noticias que vienen del hombre poseído formaran los eventos que están por venir. ¿Un Rabino realizando exorcismos? ¿Quién es SPIRALMIND? ¿Y los lobos? Si, Lobos. Esto y mucho más en la primicia de Phi3 COMICS' – SPIRALMIND #1; LAMENTO DEL RABINO.
El día de su Bar Mitzvah, Ben Landry es testigo del brutal exorcismo de su propia madre. Le es un ritual extraño y desconocido. El pequeño Ben ve a su madre esforzarse al batallar con los demonios que la poseen a las manos del Rabino Solomon Rotblatt y el Padre Tom O’Brien. Ese momento de horror cemento el futuro de Ben. Su niñez desapareció, y quedo en la merced de su maestro y amigo Rabino Rotblatt para guiarlo por la vida. Ya adulto, Ben se encuentra entre una vida de ingeniero electrónico y la del protector de la humanidad. Detrás del la máscara de Spiralmind, Ben es capaz de manipular Fi, la razón áurea. Mientras SPIRALMIND comprende su propósito y poder, lo Oculto a través de la ciudad de Nineveh ha relevado sus planes malévolos para la humanidad.
Spiralmind TM and © Benito F. Perez and Matthew J. Rothblatt. All rights reserved.

Written and Illustrated by Brian Robinson
Standard Comic
Black & White
Page Count: 24
This the continuation of issue 3 explaining a little more about what happened to the heroes in issue 3.A big explosion in the city, is everyone ok? Time traveling dinosaurs over taking a city that has been evacuated, except for our heroes. Also we learn why it's not good idea to turn your back on villain, who so far has the ability to transport dinosaurs thru time. One part the team learns this to late. That's ok, because our heroes are no push overs either.Issue 4 has even more of the the time travel, dinosaurs, robots, and hot girls with super powers fun as previous issues. The Incredible Amazing Five #4 TM and © Brian Robinson. All rights reserved.
A superhero book with five super powered heroes, that fight evil forces, when called upon by the sub group of mysterious military group. If you like comic books with time travel, dinosaurs, robots, and hot girls with pigtails lifting tanks ,and dinosaurs over their head,then this is your comic book. The Incredible Amazing Five TM and © Brian Robinson. All rights reserved.
The Incredible Amazing Five ISSUE 4 TM and © Brian Robinson. All rights reserved.
Standard Comic
Black & White
Page Count: 24
This the continuation of issue 3 explaining a little more about what happened to the heroes in issue 3.A big explosion in the city, is everyone ok? Time traveling dinosaurs over taking a city that has been evacuated, except for our heroes. Also we learn why it's not good idea to turn your back on villain, who so far has the ability to transport dinosaurs thru time. One part the team learns this to late. That's ok, because our heroes are no push overs either.Issue 4 has even more of the the time travel, dinosaurs, robots, and hot girls with super powers fun as previous issues. The Incredible Amazing Five #4 TM and © Brian Robinson. All rights reserved.
A superhero book with five super powered heroes, that fight evil forces, when called upon by the sub group of mysterious military group. If you like comic books with time travel, dinosaurs, robots, and hot girls with pigtails lifting tanks ,and dinosaurs over their head,then this is your comic book. The Incredible Amazing Five TM and © Brian Robinson. All rights reserved.
The Incredible Amazing Five ISSUE 4 TM and © Brian Robinson. All rights reserved.

Written and Illustrated by Brian Robinson
Standard Comic
Full Color
Page Count: 24
This the continuation of issue 2 explaining a little more about our time traveling dinosaur lover. Also we learn why it's not good idea to attack a villain who can transport dinosaurs thru time. The team learn the hard way. That's ok, because they are no push overs either.Issue 3 has even more of all the the time travel, dinosaurs, robots, and hot girls with pigtails and short dresses, lifting tanks ,and dinosaurs over their head, type fun packed into one great issue. The Incredible Amazing Five TM and © Brian Robinson. All rights reserved.
A superhero book with five super powered heroes, that fight evil forces, when called upon by the military. If you like comic books with time travel, dinosaurs, robots, and hot girls with pigtails lifting tanks ,and dinosaurs over their head,then this is your comic book. The Incredible Amazing Five TM and © Brian Robinson. All rights reserved.
The Incredible Amazing Five #3 TM and © Brian Robinson. All rights reserved.
Standard Comic
Full Color
Page Count: 24
This the continuation of issue 2 explaining a little more about our time traveling dinosaur lover. Also we learn why it's not good idea to attack a villain who can transport dinosaurs thru time. The team learn the hard way. That's ok, because they are no push overs either.Issue 3 has even more of all the the time travel, dinosaurs, robots, and hot girls with pigtails and short dresses, lifting tanks ,and dinosaurs over their head, type fun packed into one great issue. The Incredible Amazing Five TM and © Brian Robinson. All rights reserved.
A superhero book with five super powered heroes, that fight evil forces, when called upon by the military. If you like comic books with time travel, dinosaurs, robots, and hot girls with pigtails lifting tanks ,and dinosaurs over their head,then this is your comic book. The Incredible Amazing Five TM and © Brian Robinson. All rights reserved.
The Incredible Amazing Five #3 TM and © Brian Robinson. All rights reserved.

Written and Illustrated by Brian Robinson
Standard Comic
Black & White
Page Count: 24
This the continuation of issue 1 explaining a little more about our time traveling dinosaur lover. Also we learn why it's not good idea to attack a villain who can transport dinosaurs thru time. The team learn the hard way. That's ok, because they are no push overs either.Issue 2 has all the time travel, dinosaurs, robots, and hot girls with pigtails and short dresses, lifting tanks ,and dinosaurs over their head, type fun packed into one great issue.
A superhero book with five super powered heroes, that fight evil forces, when called upon by the military. If you like comic books with time travel, dinosaurs, robots, and hot girls with pigtails, and short dresses lifting tanks ,and dinosaurs over their head,then this is your comic book.
The Incredible Amazing Five TM and © Brian Robinson. All rights reserved.
Standard Comic
Black & White
Page Count: 24
This the continuation of issue 1 explaining a little more about our time traveling dinosaur lover. Also we learn why it's not good idea to attack a villain who can transport dinosaurs thru time. The team learn the hard way. That's ok, because they are no push overs either.Issue 2 has all the time travel, dinosaurs, robots, and hot girls with pigtails and short dresses, lifting tanks ,and dinosaurs over their head, type fun packed into one great issue.
A superhero book with five super powered heroes, that fight evil forces, when called upon by the military. If you like comic books with time travel, dinosaurs, robots, and hot girls with pigtails, and short dresses lifting tanks ,and dinosaurs over their head,then this is your comic book.
The Incredible Amazing Five TM and © Brian Robinson. All rights reserved.

Written and Illustrated by Brian Robinson
Standard Comic
Black & White
Page Count: 32
This the introduction issue,that sets the ground for future issues, and problems for the The Incredible Amazing Five.Who or what is making dinosaurs appear in middle of the city, and why..find here...what do the heroes do about such a thing?Find out in this issue.
A superhero book with five super powered heroes, that fight evil forces, when called upon by the military. If you like comic books with time travel, dinosaurs, robots, and hot girls with pigtails, and short dresses lifting tanks ,and dinosaurs over their head,then this is your comic book.
The Incredible Amazing Five TM and © Brian Robinson.. All rights reserved.
Standard Comic
Black & White
Page Count: 32
This the introduction issue,that sets the ground for future issues, and problems for the The Incredible Amazing Five.Who or what is making dinosaurs appear in middle of the city, and why..find here...what do the heroes do about such a thing?Find out in this issue.
A superhero book with five super powered heroes, that fight evil forces, when called upon by the military. If you like comic books with time travel, dinosaurs, robots, and hot girls with pigtails, and short dresses lifting tanks ,and dinosaurs over their head,then this is your comic book.
The Incredible Amazing Five TM and © Brian Robinson.. All rights reserved.
Pigtails And Whips #1

Written and Illustrated by Brian Robinson
Standard Comic
Full Color
Page Count: 24
In this introduction issue number one, learn why the group of girls fight using pigtails, as whip like powered weapons.
Follow the adventures of a group of elite long haired pigtailed females that use either whips or pigtail charged hair whip ability’s to subdue and deal with various monsters. If you love action comics with monsters and girls with whips as weapons and long haired pigtailed heroines then this comic series is for you.
Pigtails and Whips issue 1 TM and © Brian Robinson and BKR COmiCS All rights reserved.
Standard Comic
Full Color
Page Count: 24
In this introduction issue number one, learn why the group of girls fight using pigtails, as whip like powered weapons.
Follow the adventures of a group of elite long haired pigtailed females that use either whips or pigtail charged hair whip ability’s to subdue and deal with various monsters. If you love action comics with monsters and girls with whips as weapons and long haired pigtailed heroines then this comic series is for you.
Pigtails and Whips issue 1 TM and © Brian Robinson and BKR COmiCS All rights reserved.